The end is near....woo!

Hey everyone!

Today is Sunday....usually my Visual plans day....BUUUUUTTTT..... I don't REALLY have anything planned for next week....

we already did my summer beach centers last week...

but tomorrow, we'll be doing the end of the year time capsule, since we did one in the beginning of the year...check out my post on them HERE

Yea....that's all I have planned for the next 3 days....anyone else have any other ideas!?? Feel free to tell me!! It's amazing that after 10 years of teaching, I STILL can't remember what I do each year the last few 

So, here's what we've been up to the last week....

Some beach days with my momma...

and my babes...

We got a new pet!! Remember? we got rid of the kitties, so now we have a pet fish...and A of course named him...Fishy! haha! She's so clever. 

We did a little grilling....

Hubs and I went to the Food Truck Wars...

And today, we had to say goodbye :(

I tell ya...goodbyes are SOOO hard!!

Seriously, every time I see this picture, I start tearing up...I had to listen to A cry the whole way home from the airport....BUT, momma was looking at houses while she was here, SOOOO hopefully we won't have to say goodbye at an airport to many more times.

And today, on our way back from the airport, we stopped to see daddy at work and had lunch with him...
But then he got a call, and had to run out....

And now, I'm trying to get back into the realization that tomorrow i have to go to work....
for only THREE MORE DAYS!!!!

You can't hate me. It's ok. I don't mind - haha!

I'll be back tomorrow to show you some of the things I'm getting ready for next year already!


Rebecca H. said...

Hi! I went back and read your post about the time capsules at the beginning of the year, and I noticed that you said you sent home a letter asking parents for permission to use their kids' pictures on your blog. I'm just curious if you'd be willing to share an example letter, because I would love to be able to share pictures of my students on my blog! Thank you!

Ladybugs Lounge

Kristen said...

Oh my word, I won't tell you how many days we have left! But I am very, very happy that it's almost your vacation Jen! Just think of all those beach days :)

Happy last week (I can never quite remember what I do the last few days either!!)

Annie Moffatt said...

I LOVE seeing pictures of you and your family!!!! I bet you can't wait to be able to spend time with them all summer long!!

Carrie Ogulnick said...

SO jealous you only have 3 days..I have 3 more weeks!
I know how hard it is to say good bye to mom's..we moved to TX almost 7 yrs ago and no matter what I always cry when she leave :(

Enjoy your last few days and can't wait to see what you have for next year :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm VERY jealous....we have 26 days left to go....!

Mrs. Lynes said...

We are down to three days :) and we have like 2 things planned :) luckily we have our reading carnival on the last day!!

Suzy Q said...

You've been busy, girl! Fingers crossed your mom moves to FL!

A couple of years ago I finally made a list for the last five days of school. Includes everything, like which day to remind kids to bring bags to clean desks/lockers and which day we will actually clean them. Also good as it reminds me that our lunch schedule usually changes due to grade 5 graduation, etc. (Because at our school, they might not tell us till that morning!)

jivey said...

We only have three more days, too, and I'm having the same problem right now!! What do I do the last 3 days? What did I do the last 6 years??? LOL!
ideas by jivey

Miss DeCarbo said...

Looks like you had so much fun!! :) Congrats on your last 3 days! :)

Sugar and Spice

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