Hi my friends!
This week has KILLED me...I'm SOO exhausted. I don't even know from what....lol.
I think it's all just catching up to me.
My immune system has been compromised.
Which is odd, because I do have a daily dose of vitamins...
Yes, that is MY vitamin holder thingy bobber....what exactly do you call those things??
You can laugh. I have one of those FILLED with vitamins...
and last night we had dinner with friends and went to the beach afterwards to play around...
(yes, that IS where we were...I am thinking I want to blow up that picture and hang it in the house)
it was soooo nice and relaxing - and great laughs with friends....much needed!!
But apparently, my exhaustion has overridden and my immune system has shut down..
because, my friends, I feel horrible..lol.
In fact, I feel SOOO horrible, that I FORGOT my momma's birthday.
She's flying in tomorrow (yaaayyyy!!!!) and I called her to tell her "I know you're coming, can't talk tonight, on my death bed. See you tomorrow."
She goes, "well, can you at least wish my happy birthday?"
Oh my gosh. I wanted to cry.
I felt SOOO horrible.
And still do.
BUT, she's coming tomorrow for a week!! yay!!!
So, I'm not sure how much I'll be posting while she's here...
I got called into the principal's office today.
you KNOW I had butterflies in my stomach.
I was stressing so much about what I might have done wrong, why was I getting in trouble??
You know.
Well, I wasn't in trouble - whew!
BUT, she did spring something on me....which is making my head spin and go 100 mph, which is making it hurt even more....
Remember?? not feeling well here. lol
I don't want to let the cat out of the bag yet, but let's just say, it's going to be an interesting year. And I'm going to have to rethink a lot of what I've got planned - haha!
I realize, I haven't given you any pics of A and B lately...
Here are some of my most favorite recent ones...
A will jump in ANY water that she sees, clothes are NOT a concern...haha!
and my happy little B, she just LOVES the beach.
Now, I leave you with a smile.

Feel better and have fun with your mom! Love the pics of the girls. Can't believe you left us with a cliffhanger! =)
Emily @ Second Grade Silliness
Your mom's a mom, so she completely understands why your forgot. Being sick is the worst. I usually go down at the end of September.
Are you getting a student teacher?
Across the Hall in 2nd Grade
Hehe..no student teacher. :)
Hope you are feeling better before your mom arrives.
I hate getting called to the principal's office, too...because I always think it is me. And then it is always something like, "We'd like you to XYZ because we know you will do a good job with it." (Well then tell me when you call me down so I don't scare myself to death!)
Don't keep us in suspense too long...
I am a student teacher so that would be awesome if you were getting one! student teaching is the best way to learn how to teach! :)
Just diving In
I hope you feel better.
Will it be an interesting year in a good way?
The girls are soooooooooo cute! That pic of A is absolutely awesome.
So sorry you're sick :( hope your mommy spoils you!
Feel better soon. Pics are precious :)
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