The other day, I printed and laminated all my stuff for February...
If you want to see everything I've been printing, you can head over to my Getting Ready for February post {HERE} - there are lots of freebies too!
yeah right.
I'll be printing and laminating more, I'm sure.
I couldn't live without my lamintor at home!
And actually, I have another one at school. I really only use the school's laminator if I'm doing things that are too big too fit in my laminators.So my question this week is... how many of you have laminators at home?? AND/or one at school?? Do you go to your local teacher store to laminate? Do you do it at school?
Make sure to check out the other link ups at Christina's!
I have two laminators, too - home and school. I LOVE them! I rarely use our school laminator because the laminating film is too thin. My February pile is going to look like yours very soon!-Lisa
I don't have a laminator at home and can't imagine spending the money on it, there are so many other places money can go in my classroom ha! I just use the one at school.
I have a Scotch laminator and LOVE it!! I got it a few months ago and have been laminating away! Have a great rest of the week!
I have a little laminator at home and I use it for anything that I want the kids to be able to use really often or year after year because the lamination is much thicker. Anything else that is a one time use, my use, or anything that the kiddos aren't using often I have done at school because those sleeves are pricey little suckers!
I do love it though, and in a pinch I can get anything done!
Miss B
Real Teachers Learn
I finally got a home laminator this summer, but am too cheap to use it often! Lamination is free at my school- as much as we need, and we even have a few kind paras who are willing to laminate and cut when they have a few extra minutes, so I am definitely spoiled!
First Grade Bangs
I wish I have a laminator at home. We have one at schools when I do field experience and of course at Officemax. However, I am planning on using it in the future.
The Dots of Teaching
Your picture made me smile! In the past I've always had a small laminator at school and also had to make trips to a local store to laminate anything big. I have to say although I love laminating I am not a fan of cutting it out! haha Thank goodness for great parent helpers!
Lattes and Lunchrooms
I use my laminator at home for 99.9% of all my materials. If I had to laminate something large, I'd consider driving to Lakeshore before school - our laminator eats things!
I laminate nearly all my stuff at home. Our school laminator is extremely difficult to work with and tends to eat things. Besides, I'd rather work at home in my jammies during relaxed time. I could not live without my laminator and paper cutter (I call it my slicer dicer because it is a big guillotine one).
Hello! I was wondering what type of laminator you have pictured? I'm really considering purchasing one but not sure which one yet. Thank you!
Hi! I have 2 different ones. One at home, and it's the scotch one that I got at BJ's (like Sams or Costco) for around $30 and a no-name brand one at school that I've had for about 8 years!
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